FotoMatter Book Fair
Saturday, June 1st, 1:00-4:00 PM
Q2 Gallery, Q.ARMA Bldg. 1224 Quincy Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413
Participating Artists: Justin D. Allen, Melissa Borman, Priscilla Briggs, Leslie Grant, Peter Happel Christian, Brett Kallusky, Laura Migliorino, Nik Nerburn, Areca Roe, Sarah Sampedro, David Schalliol, Paul Shambroom, Shannon Taggert, Xavier Tavera
Seeing Clearly Now
Curated by Christopher Selleck at Edward J. and Helen Jane Morrison Gallery at the University of Minnesota Morris.
Seeing Clearly Now features artists Melissa Borman, Jorge Ariel Escobar, A.K. Garski, Jacob Aaron Schroeder, and Alonzo Pantoja.
These five artists were selected to highlight aspects of queer identity through personal exploration of histories, mediums, and encounters with others and themselves. Approaches to craft and execution vary within these works, yet consistently reveal intentional and significant choices of material and presentation. These artists deftly uncover facets of their own identity and then share those new findings and discoveries with the viewer.
Birds: From the Collection of Melissa Borman
Texty by Andy Sturdevant, Designed by Justin D. Allen
Rosemary Furtak Collection, Walker Art Center Library, 2021
Thinking About Photography
by Sheila Dickinson
Read Sheila’s beautiful essay for '[Re]collections & Earlthly Artifacts
An online project giving artists a voice.
MINNPOST: Arts & Culture
Art Scape Weekend Picks by Sheila Regan
Exhibition Dates: 04/07/23-04/30/23
Opening Reception & Book Launch: Friday 04/07/23 7-10 PM
Artist Talk: A Conversation with Paul Shambroom Thursday 04/13/23 at 7 PM.
You can see a selection of images from Birds at the 2022 MCAD Faculty Biennial Exhibition and Forum
Please join us! Opening Reception: Friday, September 9, 6:00–8:00 p.m.
Working with weeds at artist residency, Benton Projects August 2022. Benton Projects is an artist and writer residency in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin.
Check out “Owl” and other works from “Birds” in Menagerie: Animals in Art at Minnetonka Center for the Arts!
March 4 – April 8
Laura H. Miles Gallery
Minnetonka Center for the Arts
MENAGERIE: ANIMALS IN ART features different approaches to the use of animals in art, either as subjects or as inspiration.
Artbooks and zines at Anderson Center! The perfect gift this holiday season.
I am so excited to share my books, along with books by other members of @title.collective. The collective is an open-ended community of designers, photographers, visual artists, printmakers, and social practitioners whose work lends itself to the book form and whose publications function as artworks.
Browse and shop next weekend, December 3-5.
Don’t miss Rosalux Gallery’s Holiday Gift Shop!
In addition to prints from my series Visible Systems, you can purchase copies of my books, A Piece of Dust in the Great Sea of Matter and Birds at Rosalux Gallery's Holiday Gift Shop. The sale kicks off December 4th, 12:00-4:00 PM, and is open Thursdays & Fridays from 3:00-7:00 PM and 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM on the weekends through December 23rd.
Image: Untitled from Visible Systems, archival inkjet print, 24"x 32", 2011
Rosalux Gallery presents a special event during the exhibition Faux, new work by Melissa Borman & Areca Roe
In addition to a brief artist talk about the exhibition, the event will feature publications by both artists including Housebroken by Areca Roe, A Piece of Dust in the Great Sea of Matter by Melissa Borman. Copies of special additions including 8”x10” prints with Melissa’s booklet, Birds, made in collaboration with designer Justin Allen (Make Do) and writer Andy Sturdevant will be available. Also, don’t miss a special pre-sale and print offer for Areca’s upcoming publication, Stock Pile!
Event date: Saturday, September 25th, 1:00-3:00 PM
*Artist talk starts at 1:30 PM*
New Location: 315 West 48th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55419
Rosalux Gallery Presents: Faux, new work by Melissa Borman & Areca Roe
Opening Reception: Friday, September 3rd, 7:00-10:00 PM
Exhibition Dates: September, 3-26, 2021
Gallery Hours: Saturdays & Sundays, 12:00-4:00 PM
New Location: 315 West 48th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55419
Rosalux Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition Faux, new photographs by Melissa Borman & Areca Roe. The two-person exhibition brings together the artists’ shared interest in investigating their physical and emotional relationships to the natural world. Featuring constructed scenes and interventions within the landscape works in the exhibition illustrate our culture’s conflicting desires to both preserve and control the natural world.
Depicting ceramic birds collected from friends, family members, and thrift stores, Melissa’s ongoing photography project, Birds, is about the fragile things we love and treasure. We make space for them, we care for them, and yet more often than not someone will find them neglected or damaged despite our good intentions. The work asserts that they, like so many imperfect and once abandoned things, are worthy of care and attention.
Areca’s work consists of lenticular 3D photographs that highlight trees and plants native to Minnesota, juxtaposed with human figures and floral patterned backgrounds. As biomes shift due to climate change, the locations these trees can survive are shifting as well. The photographs revere the trees themselves, but also refer to human interdependence on the natural world and desire to connect to the landscape, however misguided those attempts at connection may be.
Check out our interview with current mentor Melissa Borman!
Photographer Sarah Sampedro appreciates both the backstory and the artistic goals of Melissa Borman’s photography exhibit “A Piece of Dust in the Great Sea of Matter.” Sampedro said that several years ago, Borman suffered an injury that limited her mobility for a year. Stuck inside, the photographer perused images of outdoor spaces, only to note how often female bodies were treated as objects or passive scenery in landscape photography.
Flock on over to see Melissa's new series of limited edition photographic prints about the things we love and treasure from the series titled, Birds. Proceeds will support the upcoming, self published book from the series.
Sabbatical Exhibition at Century College Niche Teaching Gallery
We’re pleased to announce that the Niche Gallery will be exhibiting work by @melissa.borman, who is a faculty member in the Art & Gender Studies Departments here at @century_college. The show will run from February 3rd through March 9, 2021.
More than 2,000 Minnesotans are showcased in Mpls. Institute of Art's 'Foot in the Door'
TITLE collective is an official exhibitor at Rain Taxi Book Festival
Rain Taxi Book Festival approaches. It will take place virtually from October 15 - 17.
20 Years of Celebrating
Books & Book People
Rain Taxi’s Twin Cities Book Festival is the annual Minnesota gathering for readers, writers, publishers, and purveyors of all things literary. The TCBF features dozens of presenting authors, special children’s programs, and a wide variety of exhibitors featuring new and rare books, quirky literary curiosities, and more.
PhotoBook Journal Reviews A Piece of Dust in the Great Sea of Matter
In Melissa Borman’s self-published book, A Piece of Dust in the Great Sea of Matter, she captures her subjects being actively engaged with the natural landscape as a metaphor for the elements of life.
Jonathan Blaustein - September 18, 2020 - Ethics, Photography Books
The artists of Rosalux offer a distraction from the inaction that is consuming our time and thoughts during the Covoid lock-down. Distract yourself by taking a peek into the lives of our artists and friends and see how the amazing and creative folks that make up our community are handling the isolation with these flash interviews. Stay tuned to our social media outlets to see new content everyday!
A Collection of Recollections and Other Significant Detritus by Melissa Borman, & Terrestrial Transect by Areca Roe is postponed until further notice. Stay well!
Storms Are Part of Life at Sea at CIRCA Gallery
Thursday, October 10th from 5-7:30pm
Free and open to the public
Exhibition on View | October 10-12, 2019
Thu-Fri 1-6pm & Sat 11am-4pm or by appointment
1125 Buchanan Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413
Book Launch/Dance Party!
Join us for the launch celebration of A Piece of Dust in the Great Sea of Matter! Order your book here.
Storms Are Part of Life at Sea
Storms Are Part of Life at Sea, commissioned by the Mayo Clinc, is at the Rochester Art Center along with work by regional artists Christi Furnas, Bobby Marines, and Jess Hirsch. The show is part of Making it OK: Art, Bravery and Mental Health open 5/25-9/10.
Twin Cities' 5 must-see art shows this weekend
“In these concurrent solo exhibitions, both artists explore the physical relationship to the natural world. Borman experienced an injury six years ago that reinvigorated her exploration of the body in the landscape, critically engaging artworks that presented conventional takes on women and nature.”
“Borman’s figurative work from A Piece of Dust in the Great Sea of Matter series is included in the 5th Biennial of Fine Art & Documentary Photography to be held in Barcelona, Spain.
Exhibition Dates: October 4-21, 2018.”
“In Borman’s show, the photographer teases out the associations between women and nature found in historical pieces of art, deconstructing that aesthetic through her own work.”